Port Douglas Crocs President's Report

Thursday November 7 2013

President's Report

Lots has been happening over the past couple of months, with Coops re-appointed as coach for 2014.

Coops and Jim have been interviewing all players to try and retain as many as possible for next year, while also chasing players all over Australia to fill the gaps.

The boys will commence training later this month so here we go again!

Christmas drinks and nibbles will be held at the Barrier Tavern in December to officially finish our raffles for 2013 and to catch up with players and coaching staff.(date to be advised)

This Sunday at 10am we will have our AGM at the clubrooms. We need all people interested in the club to attend and show support for the incoming committee.

If you wish to help out on the committee in 2014 we would love to have you on board. Give me a call and I can explain the duties required.(0408985372)

Remember, it means a lot to the committee if you just attend for one hour this Sunday.

If you can't think of a good Christmas present for someone then we still have shirts, caps, singlets, and coolers - all will be available for sale at the AGM.                            

                                 The Pres