Dormer wants Tradies United

Friday November 8th 2013

Dormer wants Tradies United for Shire

Douglas Shire Council mayoral candidate James Dormer wants local tradies to unite as a community group and donate their time and experience to rebuild the Shire.

After deciding to nominate for the mayor's position, Mr Dormer said he "realised that the next two years would be crucial, and funds would be extremely limited."

"My wife Deirdre and I discussed how something could be achieved with such limited funds, and we came up with the concept of starting a community-based, not for profit group, using local tradespeople to donate their time and experience to literally get involved in rebuilding our Shire," he said.

"For example, construction of playgrounds, community gardens and other small projects that could help improve our facilities for locals and visitors alike."

Mr Dormer said the group would encourage the council to try and find the funding necessary to buy equipment and materials for each project, acknowledging it might be difficult immediately after the new council takes control on January 1, 2014.

"We would contact all of the tradespeople on our database to see who would suit that certain type of project and who was able to volunteer their time to complete it," he explained.

"We could also look at fundraising for certain projects and potentially work in conjunction with many of our wonderful local organisations."

Mr Dormer listed the new playground in Mossman as an example of the popularity and community need for such projects.

"There are other areas within the Shire that would benefit greatly from these types of facilities. For example, a small playground near the sports grounds would entertain the toddlers while parents encouraged their older kids to participate more in sports," he said.

Mr Dormer said he has approached many local tradespeople and had received a positive response.

"Everyone was extremely interested in getting on board and I feel the concept would help bring our un-united community back together again.

"It would potentially achieve great things from what limited funding we can scrape up for small community projects throughout the Shire. I think the concept has real merit and would be very interested in hearing from others who would be interested in joining us," he said.

Douglas Shire voters will head to the polls tomorrow, November 9, to elect a new Shire Council, choosing four councillors from a field of 15, and a mayor from three choices.