DIY renovators the focus of Asbestos Awareness Month

Wednesday November 6th 2013

DIY renovators the focus of Asbestos Awareness Month

Queenslanders doing DIY renovations who may be putting their health at risk will be the focus this month of National Asbestos Awareness Month.

Health Minister Lawrence Springborg, said Asbestos Awareness Month was an important opportunity to highlight the health risks of working with asbestos.

“Many Queenslanders, particularly young couples, who do their own renovations may be putting their health and the health of their families at risk,” Mr Springborg said.

Asbestos materials may be found in homes built before or renovated before 1987.  

Mr Springborg said it is important to be aware that drilling, sawing, sanding and cutting asbestos products may release asbestos fibres into the air and precautions should be taken when conducting any of these activities.

Disturbing asbestos during renovations or home maintenance can cause exposure to asbestos fibres which may result in an asbestos related disease such as mesothelioma, a rare and often fatal type of cancer. 

The risk of developing an asbestos related disease increases in proportion to exposure. Home renovator and householders need to know the health risks of asbestos, where it can be found, what it looks like and how to work with asbestos safely.

Visit and for guidance to work safely with asbestos in Queensland.