White Ribbon Day

Monday November 25th 2013

“Swear and Wear” on White Ribbon Day

Queensland men and boys are today being urged to support efforts to end violence against women this White Ribbon Day.

Australia's only national, annual prevention campaign, White Ribbon Day aims to raise community awareness and encourage men pledge an online oath to stop violence against women.

“White Ribbon Day sends out a strong message to the community that violence perpetrated by men against women will not be tolerated," Communities Minister Tracy Davis said, joining over 1000 people in Toowoomba to fight violence against women.

“That is why this White Ribbon Day I ask all Queensland men to take the oath and send the strong message that violence against women is simply unacceptable.”  

Last week, the State Government announced a $40,000 in funding as part of a new partnership with White Ribbon Australia, to help rid violence against women from Queensland communities.  

As Opens external link in new windowThe Newsport reported on May 29, Port Douglas and Mossman are among Far North Queensland towns with no emergency accommodation for domestic violence victims, according to welfare service providers.

From 2006-2012, 44 per cent of homicides in Queensland, on average, were related to domestic and family violence, according to a review from the Office of the State Coroner. Women were nearly four times more likely than men to be murdered by their partner. 

As Jo de Riva O'Phelan, Port Douglas Neighbourhood Centre's Coordinator, told The Newsport on May 29, while emergency accommodation isn't available in Port Douglas or the Far North, it can be readily accessed through the Centre.

This year’s White Ribbon campaign theme, 'Australia is the land of secrets', refers to the high number of women who experience violence at the hands of men in Queensland communities and more often than not, by men that they know.

Meanwhile, the ACTU today announced its support for paid domestic violence leave.

As Opens external link in new windowThe Australian reported, "ACTU secretary Dave Oliver said yesterday the council's executive would back a special resolution tomorrow for domestic violence leave to be included as a minimum entitlement in the 2014 modern award review."

For more information about domestic and family violence and sexual violence services, visit www.communities.qld.gov.au.

The Port Douglas Neighbourhood Centre on Mowbray Street provides crisis support information, support and referral during opening hours. The community’s website lists the phone numbers for a 24-hour ‘DV Connect’ domestic violence service, plus local police, for use after-hours. 

PDNC services are only accessible during opening hours, from 9am-4pm four days a week, and 9am-1pm on Wednesdays. Outside these hours, the Centre directs callers to DV Connect or Mensline. 

The Port and Mossman Centres also offer free counselling (again, only during opening hours), and can refer to the Cairns Regional Domestic Violence Service.


Read more:

Opens external link in new window'Why White Ribbon Day Matters', by Tara Moss