Your chance to visit Gallipoli

Monday November 18th 2013

Your chance to visit Gallipoli

North Queenslanders who would like to be in Gallipoli on Anzac Day, 2015 should put their names into the ballot now, said North Queensland based Senator Ian Macdonald.

He said that as places for this once-in-a-lifetime event were limited because of the space available at the battlefield, all Australians were entitled to go into the ballot for  place at the ceremony.

“This is the fairest way to make sure that as many Australians as possible can take part in this commemoration of an event which lies at the heart of our nation,” Senator Macdonald said.

“There will be places available for 8,000 Australians, 2,000 New Zealanders and 500 official representatives of all countries involved in the Gallipoli campaign including Turkey.

“Of the 8,000 Australian places, 2,000 will be available for special representatives such as direct descendants, the veteran community and secondary school students and their chaperones. The remaining 6,000 places (3,000 double passes) will be distributed by the ballot.”

Senator Macdonald said that widows of Australian First World War veterans did not need to apply for the ballot and would be contacted separately by the Australian Government about their interest in attending.

All ballot applicants must meet specific eligibility criteria including Australian citizenship or permanent residency and be a minimum 18 years of age on, or before, 25 April 2015.

Ballots will be held for both the Australian and New Zealand places. The ballots close at midnight on 31 January 2014 and applicants will be notified of the outcome in March 2014 to allow enough time for those successful to make their travel arrangements and pay for the trip.

“I encourage all North Queenslanders who would like to go to either visit the website at or get a paper application form from Ticketek on 1300 364 002,” Senator Macdonald said.