Have your say on future of Great Barrier Reef

Friday November 22nd 2013

Have your say on future of reef

Douglas Shire residents interested in the future of the Great Barrier Reef are invited to attend a community information session on November 27 to find out how they can have their say on plans for protecting the natural wonder.

The event is an opportunity to find out more about the draft strategic assessment of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, as well as the proposed future management plans for improving its health.

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) general manager Bruce Elliot said he would value public input into the reports released earlier this month by the Federal and Queensland governments.

“Coastal communities, in particular, have a real sense of custodianship over the Great Barrier Reef, and they have a first-hand understanding of the many benefits that the Reef provides,” Mr Elliot said.

“From its sheer beauty and rich heritage to its strong tourism value, the Reef is an integral part of the fabric of places such as Cairns and Port Douglas.

“The Reef means many things to many different people, which is why this is a great opportunity to have a say on our proposals for reversing the decline in its health.”

The draft comprehensive strategic assessment takes a big picture view of the Great Barrier Reef, including the marine component and its adjacent coastal zone, and examines how natural and heritage values can be protected into the future.

Representatives from GBRMPA and the Queensland Government will be at the community sessions to answer questions and guide residents on how to make a submission.

The comment period will be open until 31 January 2014 to allow adequate time for the public and other stakeholders to comment. To book a place at the Cairns community information session, call 07 4057 0702 or email far.northern.region@gbrmpa.gov.au.

It will be held at the Cairns Colonial Club Conference Centre (18-26 Cannon Street) from 5pm.

The strategic assessment and program reports can be viewed at www.reefhaveyoursay.com.au.