Pink taxis on Melbourne streets soon

Friday November 15th 2013

Pink taxis: Yay or nay?

Pink, women-only taxis are back in the headlines today, with the news a fleet of the female friendly cabs could be on Melbourne streets soon.

As the Herald Sun reported, TaxiLink’s Harry Katsiabanis is pushing for the ‘Taxi Link Pink’ initiative, which includes recruiting 50 women as drivers, with the fleet to serve women exclusively.

Mr Katsiabanis said he developed the idea in response to rising numbers of sexual assaults in Victoria from female taxi passengers travelling alone.

Pink taxis have successfully been introduced overseas, operating in cities including Dubai and London.

However, at least one media commentators believe special taxis for women “sends the message that other services can’t be trusted.”

In a Opens external link in new windowreport for ABC’s The Drum on September 16 this year, SA Jones reports such a service “tacitly sends the message that women's safety cannot be guaranteed if they choose to use, or have no choice but to use, the general service. From there it's a short step to victim blaming…”


What do you think? Are pink, women-only taxis a good idea?


Vote in the poll: What do you think about the pink taxis initiative?