Zinc puts on a Champagne affair

Monday 27 May 2013

Zinc puts on a Champagne affair

Without doubt the Domaine Chandon Lunch at Zinc Restaurant and Lounge Bar will go down as one of the culinary highlights of Carnivale 2013.  

About 150 guests nestled into the restaurant to savour a four course degustation that included a selection of five star cuisine from Head Chef Hagen Wittner and his team.

Zinc Restaurant owner, Marco Piat, said "We have a sell out event, actually we're probably a little oversold because we tried to help a few late bookers which is brilliant.  Our partners for this event, Domain Chandon support us so well every year so I'm thrilled that it proves so popular each year".

Upon arrival every guest received a glass of that Domaine Chandon champagne and then enjoyed about half an hour to meet and greet old friends, new friends and some who were to become friends as the day went on. 

The wine selection for each course was impeccable from the gorgeous Pinot Noir served with the pork entree, followed by a crisp Chardonnay with the seafood salad and the full bodied Shiraz with the duck and a champagne cocktail with the dessert.

There is something about the Zinc/Chandon combination that creates a warm and friendly atmosphere as the afternoon moves seamlessly along. 

The service was superb, the Zinc staff should be applauded for making the afternoon a very special one.

Reluctantly carriages were scheduled for about 4.00pm but surely the Domaine Chandon lunch at Zinc Bar and Grill has become a little like the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games where everyone promises to meet again the very next time the event is held.  See you in 2014....