Step Up education website launched

Friday 31 May 2013

Funding and support for Mossman school

Far North Queensland families and educators now have extra support when it comes to preparing their children for starting school, with a government-funded education website launched today.  

Mossman, Atherton, Goondi, and Hambledon State Schools are among 24 schools to receive $40,000 a year for four years.

At the launch today, Education, Training and Employment Minister John-Paul Langbroek said the funding and support provided on the website will help participating schools plan suitable, region and community-specific activities.

The website forms part of the Step Up into Education initiative, designed to strengthen children’s school readiness and encourage parents to become involved in their children’s learning.

“The first years of school can be challenging not just for the students, but also their families. Resources like the Step Up website will help give students and their parents, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, access to support networks that others take for granted," Mr Langbroek said.

"For example, Mossman State School is using its funding to employ a teacher aide to extend its successful transition to school playgroup program."

The website has fact sheets, videos and e-books for families, plus case studies for educators. It also lets participating schools upload results and reports so they can share experiences with other schools.

Step Up into Education is online at