Public vote for Danny Ross

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Public vote for Danny Ross

Local lad turned, 'The Voice' superstar, Danny Ross took to the live stage on Monday evening in the 'Showdown' rounds of the Win Television blockbuster talent show called 'The Voice'.

He blew the judges away with a phenomenal rendition of the song 'All Along The Watchtower' written by Bob Dylan but made famous by the legendary Jimi Hendrix.

This round of performances is voted for by the viewing public with the winner in each of the Coaches teams automatically going through to the final 8 with one other contestant from each team being chosen to go through by the Coach themselves.

Danny is in Team Joel with Joel Madden, lead singer of US star group Good Charlotte, as his team coach. However it was fellow team coach, Seal, who lauded praise upon Danny at the end of his performance last night by saying "You are not just a star you are an event".

Team Joels coach Joel Madden said that his twin brother Benji had flown in from LA to support him as the competition reaches its climax.' Joel told Danny that he looked across to where his twin brother Benji was standing offstage after Dannys performance and Benji just gave him the thumbs up with a nod.  This, according to Joel, is the top praise available and signalled a triumph for Danny of the highest order. 

But whatever the coaches and their supporters think, it is the general public that sends the top performers through and that is what Danny will be aiming for from Team Joel.

The public now votes overnight until 6pm this evening (Tuesday).  

If you would like to vote for Danny or listen to his performance from last night then visit

Keep checking The Newsport to find out if Danny makes it through to the next round - the Quarter Finals.