League brawl nets Sharks

Monday 20 May 2013

League brawl nets sharks

Three senior Mossman-Port Douglas Sharks will front the league’s judiciary tribunal tonight, called to account for their alleged involvement in an on-field brawl during the Sharks-Southern Suburbs clash in Cairns last Friday night.

With first-placed Suburbs leading 46-8and just 14 minutes to play, Sharks players apparently abandoned the game soon after the fight broke out.

Shortly after, another two fights started among spectators on the sidelines. According to their Facebook page, the Sharks “have no doubt we will be cleared of all this negative backlash.”

The northern club’s supporters took to social media on Monday night, with one match spectator describing her version of events on Facebook. “Basically, opposing team supporters came onto the field physically abusing one of Sharks players, fight started,” she said. “Two more fights begun between opposing sides supporters. Sharks walked off the field after thanking opposing team and informing them we were leaving for the safety of our players and travelling supporters.”

Reacting to the tribunal news, she said, “We all left thinking we did the admirable thing, only to be reprimanded today. Am totally gob-smacked!!”

On Facebook, the Sharks said, “CDRL obviously need to hear what really happened. Our A Grade coach and president should be commended for taking the safety of our team and supporters as paramount!”

CDRL President Pat Bailey said the three Sharks will go before the internal tribunal, while two spectators allegedly involved in the evening’s events will appear later this week, at a separate disciplinary hearing. Ms. Bailey explained the code’s judiciary format, dealing with on-field actions, requires the players’ case be heard as soon as possible, whereas disciplinary tribunals require seven days-notice.

Ms. Bailey said an independent panel will moderate the hearings, though one panel member will be the CDRL board’s Chairman, Secretary, or Treasurer. Affiliations, if any, of the other panel members are not known.

The cause of Friday’s fights is not known, though speculation is rife among Sharks supporters. “Maybe because we have an ex-suburbs player playing for us?? Not sure of the full reason!” said one spectator on the Sharks Facebook page.  Despite Mossman-Port Douglas players abandoning the game and removing themselves from the situation, “…Sharks are getting the blame!” said the same Facebook commentator, with another responding, ““As we always do, no friends in Cairns…”

For the Sharks, Friday’s situation and resulting hearing and possible disciplinary action couldn’t come at a worse time. The club only recently started to earn back respect from its own players and supporters, after a dismal 2011 season which prompted the then President Keith Pitt to state that they were a club in crisis.

A lot of good work has been put into the club since those trying days so whatever happened at the weekend needs to be sorted out quickly so the club can move on and continue the 2013 season progress.

The Newsport will keep you updated as soon as more information develops...