Fundraiser for local netball legend

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Fundraiser for local netball legend

The Douglas Netball Association, friends, family and associates would like to invite the Douglas Shire community to an afternoon to support one of our best.  
Long term and popular local lady Coral Deen has been diagnosed with a serious illness, the community is holding a fundraiser and support afternoon on Saturday the 1st of June at the Central Hotel from Midday.  There will be prizes, monster raffles, sausage sizzle and some fun events while being serenaded by the Gusman.  Please come along and lend your support to this great lady who has been a tireless supporter of our community.    

Coral has been a member of the Douglas Netball Association since the first public meeting in June 1991.  

Her first role on the committee was Junior Convenor supporting juniors has been very important to Coral over the years. The club started at the old Tennis courts where Coral coached a team and occasionally would play but only if they where short players.
Umpiring is where she felt she could be of the most benefit. So over the years she put a lot of energy into improving the umpiring standard in the Association through courses, helping juniors to umpire and mentoring senior umpires.

Coral always organized umpires at the Carnivals and would do extra games herself if an umpire didn’t turn up.

Behind the scene, Coral is always dependable, fundraising, organizing trophies and prizes for presentation doing the BBBQ for finals bring family and friends to help.

The work she has done has been invaluable. Douglas Netball has had many strong people involved in the club and on the committee over the years. Coral has held many positions herself on the committee.
Her achievements have been recognized with a Life membership. But her greatest role would be as “Caretaker” because she really cares about the Douglas Netball Association and its continuing success.

We look forward to seeing everyone on the 1st June.