Chamber Report May 14 (copy 1)

Monday 27 May 2013

This week in Chamber


We trust everyone is enjoying the fantastic line up of events over Carnivale. It is great to see good participation  at all the events and a buzz in the air around town.

This year the Chamber Committee made a commitment to improve its communication with the business community in regards to chamber activities. This week I am pleased to be able to provide you with an update on the Douglas Economic Development Group (a tag of the Chamber) by Martin Tranter.
Douglas Economic Development Group (“DEDG”) formed subsequent to the 2012 MBS review and is a strategy group and co-operative forum of representatives of the Port Douglas Chamber of Commerce (now Douglas Chamber of Commerce), Tourism Port Douglas Daintree, Mackay Sugar and other business stakeholders from the Douglas region.    Its current focus is to prepare an Economic Plan specific to the Douglas region.
Why the need for an Economic Plan?  An Far North economic plan (“FNQREP”) already exists for the Far North Queensland region.  FNQREP is widely relied upon by government to strategically position and commit to infrastructure and development requirements for the FNQ region
DEDG has identified that the FNQREP economic priorities do not adequately reflect the Douglas region’s needs.  In Douglas the economy principally relies upon the 2 industry bases of tourism and agriculture.  The reliance upon those industries and their interaction with the unique environmental area that is the Douglas Shire, is disproportionate with other stated industry priorities of FNQREP.
DEDG currently exists as a sub group of the Chamber of Commerce and has been tasked to formulate such plan.
The Chamber believes that the development of an economic plan:
Ø  Is Vital to allow the new Council to formulate good policy for business in the region;

Ø  Is Critical to demonstrate to State and Federal Government departments the region’s heavy reliance upon the 2 principal industry bases, and dangers to our economy if factors facing those industries continue to be ignored or unfairly de prioritised to other concerns;

Ø  Justifies the need for the region to appropriately resource a war chest for Douglas tourism destination marketing to allow us to viably compete with the ever evolving marketing strategies of our regional competitors like the Whitsundays and elsewhere. 
The DEDG thanks in particular, Gerry Ireland who is taking a key role in leading the economic plan preparation.   The working group of Martin Tranter, Bob Brown, Sam Cullen, Gerry Ireland and Frank Frikker meets every Wednesday.  Any Chamber member who can contribute is welcome to also participate in the group.

Do you have any questions for the Douglas of Commerce or would like us to express a view point on an issue? Then contact us at