Schmidt, McKellar take honours
Wednesday 13 March 2013

Schmidt, McKellar take honours

Saturday made for a very challenging 600 Metre Double Range competition due to the heavy cloud cover. The cloud caused the targets to be very hard to see as usually the targets are highlighted by the sun.
Five members turned up to try their hand and eye on the range. First up was Norbert Schmidt shooting in the F Class (telescoped, sandbagged 308) comp.
Norbert opened with two 5s, and was not happy so he cut them and then squeezed off eight dead centres and two 5s to give him a first range score of 58 from a possible 60.
Neil Attwood (pictured) was the next competitor on the mound shooting in the Full Bore (308, peep sights, manually supported) division. Neil opened with a 2 and a 3 just getting his eye in. He cut them and went on to shoot a mixed bag of shots for a score of 45 from a possible 50.
Malcolm McKellar was next on the mound in the Full Bore comp and opened with a 4 and a 3 for sighters. He cut them and then he let loose a flurry of super V Bulls, V Bulls and Bull Eyes with two
4s sneaking in to give him a first range score of 48/4 from a possible 50.
Ron Schild was the next Full Bore competitor on the mound. Ron opened with 2 and a 4, he cut the 2 and kept the 4 and then it took him a while to get his eye in. He did manage to find the centre with a V Bull and a couple of Bull Eyes to give him a score of 43/1.
Norbert Schmidt was back for his second 600 metre range, and opened with 6s. He went on to shoot a mixed bag to post a second range score of 62 from a possible 66.
Neil Attwood was back for his second range shoot. Neil opened with a 4 and a 3 which he cut and then went on to shoot a plethora of mixed shots to give him a final tally of 51/2 from a possible 55.
Malcolm McKellar was the next shooter on the mat. Mal opened with two Bull Eyes which he kept and then let loose another flurry of fine shots with one 4 sneaking in (or should I say sneaking out), from the centre. Mal’s final tally was 54/5 from a possible 55.
Ron Schild was the last competitor on the mound, and he opened with a V Bull and a 4. He kept them and went on to squeeze off some pretty good shots to post a final score of 51/2 from a possible 55.
Over all we had a very challenging and relaxing day with Norbert Schmidt posting a double range score of 120 from a possible 126.
Malcolm McKellar took honours in the Full Bore comp with a final score of 102/9 from a possible 105. Neil Attwood came in second with a score of 96/2 followed closely by Ron Schild’s score of 94/3.
A big thank you to our marker. We would like anyone who is interested in this fine sport to come along. We shoot every Saturday at 1pm at the Rifle Club situated half way between Port Douglas and Mossman.