POD make last pitch
Friday 8 March 2013

POD make last pitch

The People Of Douglas last night made a last ditch effort to sway undecided voters before tomorrow's referendum on de-amalgamation.
In front of a crowd which early on reached around 120 people at the Port Douglas Community Hall, the case to remain aligned with Cairns Regional Council was put forward.
Speakers included Deborah Favier, Allen Perry, Terry Hooper, Will Devlin, and Gordon Berzinski, the latter drawing the loudest applause for his passionate speech.
A strong Friends Of Douglas Shire contingent was in attendance, and at times tensions looked like boiling over, however MC for the evening Mario Calanno held court until proceedings drew to a close.
Debate continues to rage over the future economic sustainability of a re-formed Douglas Shire Council.
Listen to Gordon Berzinski's speech below
At the PDD meeting, accountant Terry Hooper said the public should not ignore Queensland Treasury Corporation figures which paint a gloomy picture for a new Douglas Shire Council, due to the fact it was that same organisation that highlighted Queensland's large debt which contributed to the downfall of the former State Labor Government in last year's election.
"That election really demonstrated what people thought of the way Queensland was being run financially," Mr Hooper said. "Guess who gave the information to both parties of government and to the people of Queensland? Queensland Treasury Corporation.
"They said 'the State has got an $83 billion debt and it's unsustainable'. And people accepted that particular figure, and they voted and gave the Labor Party the message that that's not the way we want to go."
Friends Of Douglas Shire's David Carey has defended the FODS financial model saying "My gut feeling is the new council will be awash with funds."
"All the "nay sayers" can twist and turn the FODS budget model as much as they like. It won't alter the fact that a new Douglas Shire will not only be viable, it will be comfortably viable."
Follow all the action of the referendum this weekend on The Newsport.