Entsch says best to stay with Cairns

Monday 4 March 2013

Entsch says best to stay with Cairns

Hon Warren Entsch MP for Leichardht took time out in Mossman from his busy schedule earlier in the week to have a chat with The Newsport about some of the things he is involved in that have direct relevance to the Douglas region.


Firstly when asked, "do you think a de-amalgamated Douglas Shire Council stands more chance of getting State and Federal funding for things like the waterfront development than it would as part of the larger Cairns Regional Council (CRC)?" 


He said "There is no doubt that the Douglas region within an amalgamated CRC would get more attention and have more drawing power than as a smaller independent council.  I didn't like the way amalgamation came about but having spoken to CRC Mayor Bob Manning, I am sure that the Douglas region will have a better future being part of the CRC than trying to struggle to regain and maintain it's independence.  I believe Mayor Manning is looking forward to working with the Douglas region to make amalgamation work.  However if the community votes for de-amalgamation a good working relationship with Cairns is still going to be essential."


Mr Entsch was very excited about the fact that it appeared that the sale of the Marina in Port Douglas was close to being finalised, although when contacted, Peter Jones, GM at the Marina could not confirm any such sale.  However, Mr Entsch said that when the Marina is sold, it would solve many of the waterfront development hold ups and could expedite the lagoon pool plans.


He was quite forthright on the question of support for the Sheraton refurbishment.  He said that there was no requirement from the government for funding for David Marriner on the hotel side of The Sheraton. That was being taken care of by Mr Marriner and his financiers. 


He was very keen to see the Sheraton re-establish it's 5 star position.  He said "having an hotel of that calibre in the region is good for all levels of accommodation".


However where Mr Entsch felt he and the future government could help was with the conference/meeting hall and theatre facilities that featured in Mr Marriners original plans. 


"This is an area we should be involved in to help develop a new avenue of income to expand visitation to the area using both the conference facilities and proposed theatre.  The performing arts is a real area of expertise for the Marriners and it's an area where increased numbers would be very quickly achieved."


Mr Entsch said that over the coming months we can expect to see a number of 'the big guns' accompany him to the region from the Liberal Coalition as the election builds to a crescendo. 


He has already brought up Bob Baldwin MP, Shadow Minister of regional development and Tourism and Andrew Robb who among other responsibilities is the Chairman of the Coalition Policy Development  Committee. 


He is very keen to get Joe Hockey, who knows the area so well, up here again and colleagues Greg Hunt, Shadow Minister for Climate action, Environment and Heritage and Deputy Leader, Julie Bishop.


Mr Entsch is very keen to progress his plans for sports tourism.  He said "There are only 3 tropical training facilities in the world, Hong Kong, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.  Surely with our climate, especially since the best weather conditions for these athletes occur during our quieter times, we should be promoting our region in association with Australian Institute of Sport to get athletes from all over the world tostay long term and train here.  All we need is the right kind of facilities. 


The same goes for another initiative to put together a golf institute once the Sheraton Hotel has been refurbished.  And think what could be done if we could find the funds for a small stadium?"


"All these plans have one thing in common they can be organised using a good deal of the resources we already have.  We can then add on to the development plans that are already being laid and once consolidated we can swiftly move on to encourage more diverse business to the area in a constructive and pre-determined way, but it's best to take the easy steps first".


Mr Entsch said " I feel very positive about the future for this region.  I'm looking forward to supporting the progress in as many ways as I can".