Council - the next generation

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Council - the next generation

The weekend’s resident vote on de-amalgamating Douglas from Cairns Regional Council has drawn a lot of passion throughout the region, whether people believed in a YES or NO vote.

And with nine months until council elections are held, there’s talk of a younger generation putting its hand up to run for positions on the council.

We talked to some avid supporters of the return to Douglas Shire Council and found that it’s time for young blood to start leading the way.

Michael Kerr

The yes vote is one of the best things that could have happened, democracy has been returned to us after being taken away. I’m happy our shire has the opportunity to be returned to the grandeur it should be.

Even though democracy has come our way and we have our shire back, it’s going to be a lot of hard work by the council to prove they deserve to be there for one, and rectifying and avoiding some of the mistakes made in the past.

There are quite a few people I know who could run for council: Julia Leu is the most adequate person for the first term with her knowledge of the previous council and of local governments in general. She is going to be a great asset for the knowledge factor.

I believe that people who will go into a new council will be new and a younger generation, so I think her knowledge is advantageous, she is a must.

Nichole Kanzelmar

The result is fantastic, all our passionate and hard work has paid off. It was such an amazing buzz around town on Saturday night - a parade of locals came walking down the middle of Macrossan Street with signs, cheering and clapping, and all the people in restaurants stood up and started clapping and cheering with them. It was brilliant!

Yes, the younger generation do need to start to take more of an interest and ownership, myself included. Plus, things change and we need to ensure the fresh ideas keep coming through, because that is, after all, what will keep us happy and also bring those of our age group through town.

We all need to work together - everyone needs to be included, the young, the old, the north, the south (Shire), the 'yes'ers, the 'no'ers - because after all, we all have at least one thing in common... we all love this Shire, otherwise we wouldn't have chosen to live here!

Kevin 'K-Star' Eldridge

I believe democratic representation and control of destiny were the keys to Douglas voting to move forward positively as a new entity, and regardless of how individuals voted, it’s now time to have one voice and one vision - from Bloomfield to Julatten to Wangetti and everywhere in between.

A balanced council - representing tourism, agriculture, indigenous cultural perspectives and the environment - requires qualifications, expertise and experience.  However, a boost of youthful energy would prove positive.

Natalie Johnson

I have supported the de-amalgamation from day one.  Returning to a locally controlled council ensures those who live and work in our community are the ones representing it and the ones who benefit from it.

Generations X and Y will be the leaders of the future and many young people, including myself, have good, solid ideas about the community we want to live in, and particularly for me, the community I want to raise my children in.

Watch this space. The next nine months may be gestation time for the young brigade to step up to the plate.