Rifle Club Report

Tuesday 4 May 2013

Gusty conditions challenge shooters


Saturday proved a challenging day for shooters at the Mossman District Rifle Club, with overcast conditions and a contrary wind blowing gusts across the range in every direction.

Seven members turned out, though only three competed in the Double 600 Metre match.

Norbert Schmidt was first to set up his custom made 308 target rifle on the mound. The only member shooting in the F Class, telescoped division, Schmidt opened with a 4 and a 5. Cutting them, he went on to squeeze off a string of 6s and 5s in rapid succession, providing a score of 56 from a possible 60 in the first range ten shot match.

Neil Attwood was the next to compete in the Full Bore peep sights division. Atwood opened with a 4 and a 5. Scrubbing the 4, he went on to pull a mixed bag of shots and a total first range score of 43/1 from a possible 50.

The Club's newest target shooter Ben Purvis was last on the mound in the Full Bore category, and opened with a 3 and a 4. Cutting the 3 and keeping the 4, Purvis went on to pull some low scores. Eventually adjusting his style to compensate for the wind gusts, he shot three bullseyes and a V bull, to finish with a score of 39/1.

Schmidt, back behind his scope for his second 600 Metre Range challenge, opened with a 4 and a 6. He cut the 4 before squeezing off some good shots and posting a second range score of 64/2 from a possible 66 in the 11 shot match.

Attwood was back on the mound to better his first score, and opened with a 4 and a 5. Cutting the 4, he squeezed off a mixed bag of 4’s, bulleyes and V bulls to give him a second range score of 51/3 from a possible 55 in the 11 shot match.

Returning to the mound, Purvis, armed with his 308 target rifle, opened with a 4. He went on to shoot considerably better than his first attempt, often finding the centre and recording a second range tally of 48/3 from a possible 55 in the 11 shot match.

Final scores:

Norbert Schmidt  - 120/4 (F Class)

Neil Attwood - 94/4 (Full Bore)

Ben Purvis - 87/4 (Full Bore)

Thanks to marker Jed Kemp and scorer Ron Schild

With no shooting this Saturday, June 8, due to Townsville’s Prize shooting competition, the next scheduled Club shoot is on June 15.

Anyone interested in target shooting is invited to come along to the Mossman District Rifle Club and give it a try. The Club is located half way between Port Douglas and Mossman, on the Cook Highway.