Mossman Golf Club results

Monday 27 May 2013

Mossman Golf Club results

Tuesdays Men’s stableford event was won by Matty Gray with 42 points ahead of John Carney 38 and Maurice Meth 37.

NTP’s – John on 6, Bill Allison on 8, Matty on 10, Peter Chrisfield on 13 & Ken Deuble on 17.

Wednesdays 9 hole Sporters was won by Rod Donovan 22, 2nd Maurice Meth 21 & Shona Barbour 18.
NTP’s – Lucy Giles on 6, Peter Titus-Rees on 8.

Thursday’s Ladies 4BBB event was won by Julie Hooker & Judy McCormack 46, 2nd Julie Hooker & Felicity Angus 44 ahead of Treveen Page & Lucy Giles 41.
NTP’s – Cathy Campbell 6, Shona Barbour 8, Bette Wells 10, Judy Onto 13 & Julie Hooker 17.

Friday’s event was won by Matty Smith with 20 points.

Men’s Saturday Monthly Medal sponsored by The Tin Shed was won by Jeff Murray nett 65 ahead of Barry Brims 67.
Gross – A Grade Peter Chrisfield 73 B Grade Ian Steley 81, C Grade Laurie Prosser 87. Nett – A Grade Ralf Middel 70, B Grade Art Howard 71, C Grade James Browne 68.
NTP’s – Ian Steley 6 & 17, Sammy Brischetto 8, Ralf 10, David Budge 13.

Saturday’s Ladies Monthly Medal sponsored by The Tin Shed was won by Yvonne Addison with nett 74 on a count-back to Jenny Rowell, 3rd Judy McCormack 75 on a count-back to Tricia Middel.  Putting Competition Christie Bouwkamp.
NTP’s – Christie Bouwkamp on 8, Jenny on 10 & Julie Hooker on 13.

JUNIORS -  The Club is again hosting free Junior clinics each Tuesday 5pm – 6pm for youngsters aged 6 – 17 years. Please call Geoff Goodwin for further details on 0418 456 901.