Bally Hooley

Monday 10 June 2013


Port all aboard for National Families Week


Every year, the Port Douglas Neighbourhood Centre Playgroup celebrates National Families Week with a ride on the region's legendary Bally Hooley Steam Train. 

This year's trip was a little belated, with a Bally Hooley breakdown causing a week's delay, though the eventual journey last week delighted children and parents alike. After lots of cuddles from 'Hogster', the Hogs Breath Cafe pig, it was 'all aboard', with “Bundy”  traversing the hundred-year old Port track from the Marina to St Crispins Station, and back again. The one-hour tradition provides families and friends a chance to catch-up and enjoy each other's company. 

Tens of thousands of people and hundreds of organisations nationwide participated in the 11th National Families Week, Australia's annual celebration of families. PDNC Playgroup organisers traditionally invite playgroups from all over the district to join in the Bally Hooley fun. 

One of two coal-fired steam locomotives, 'Bundy' has been pulling the Bally Hooley trains with 'Speedy' for over 55 years. Before the Mossman Sugar Mill switched to diesel locomotives, 'Bundy' and 'Speedy' were used to transport sugarcane from the fields to the mill.    

“This year’s theme - Families working together: Getting the balance right - encourages everyone to think about the way families can work together to achieve a happy and healthy lifestyle," said Families Australia Chief Executive Brian Babington.

"Let’s take the time to work together to get the best balance in all life’s activities. When families work together, everyone benefits," he said. 

National Families Week is timed to coincide with the United Nations International Day of Families, on May 15. This day is observed by the United Nations to mark the importance that the international community places on families as the most fundamental units of society, as well as to show concern about their situation in many parts of the world. 

Every year, Families Australia selects prominent Australians to act as National Families Week Ambassadors. 2013 Ambassadors include Dr John Falzon, from the St Vincent de Paul Society, and Mr Finn Pratt PSM, Secretary of the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs

Dr Falzon said 'getting the balance right' for families involves "the guarantee of housing as a human right; meaningful and family-friendly employment opportunities; and access to education, from pre-school through to post-secondary, as a common good rather than a commodity." 

"Families are the heart of our community. For families to thrive, improve their wellbeing and achieve goals, they need to work together to find ways to balance work and family life. Greater results will come when family members share their personal and family goals, prioritise what’s important to their family, and then allocate time accordingly. It also helps to weigh up our goals on a regular basis to ensure we get the balance right," said Mr Pratt.

When asked the best part of the journey, one of the Port playgroup children answered, “the train!” - a sentiment echoed by others. 

The PDNC would like to thank the Bally Hooley volunteers, who work tirelessly to make the trip happen every year, from liaising with the PDNC to maintaining a piece of Port Douglas history for generations to come. All proceeds from train rides go towards running and maintenance costs, insurance and coal. The PDNC also gratefully acknowledges the support of the Marina View, and the Hogs Breath Cafe and 'Hogster'.