Tangaroa Blue army plans beach landing
Tuesday 8 January 2013
Tangaroa Blue army plans beach landing

We will fight litter on the beaches. That's the aim of Tangaroa Blue volunteers as they kick off 2013 with a clean up of Cape Kimberley this Saturday.
The local conservation group has collected tonnes of rubbish and debris from the region's beaches over the years, and saved countless marine creatures a horrible death in the process.
Pictured: Volunteers give Cape Kimberley a good seeing to.
Valuable data is collected from the clean up days which is shared across the globe in an effort to reduce the impact of rubbish and other debris on the marine environment.
Dozens of volunteers gather for the events but there is always room for more, so if you're keen to join like-minded people and make a difference you can contact Tangaroa Blue's Heidi Taylor on 0410 166 684 or email heidi@tangaroablue.org.
Volunteers will meet at the Cape Kimberley car park at 8.30am.