Shelter done and dusted
Thursday 10 January 2013

Shelter done and dusted

The Port Douglas cyclone shelter at the Port Douglas State School has been completed ahead of the looming wet season.
Construction company Northbuild's "contractual practical completion" and the handover of keys to local authorities took place on 21 December, with the school to take control of the building on their return.
Anton Mac Suibhne, Acting General Manager Infrastructure Services welcomed the news of the facility's completion.
“It is great news that the storm tide cyclone shelter in Port Douglas has been completed and will be available for use through any future natural disaster.
“The building is constructed in accordance with the Queensland Government, Department of Housing and Public Works Design Guidelines for Queensland Public Cyclone Shelters. This means it is capable of providing safe refuge to people who have nowhere else to go when there is threat of inundation by storm tide," he said.
While the shelter is an State education department asset, in the event of a severe weather event such as a cyclone control will be handed to the Local Disaster Management Group which includes representatives from emergency services teams.
“It is important to remember that a storm tide cyclone shelter is intended to provide short-term refuge in a high-density seating capacity arrangement," Mr Mac Suibhne said.
"There is space for a pre-determined number of people, with priority given to those who are told to evacuate and have nowhere else to go.
“Every household in an at risk Storm Tide area, should have a household plan that includes a place to stay outside of the storm tide threat with friends, family or other private accommodation.
How public access to the building outside of a severe weather event will be managed remains unclear.