Palmer Sea Reef buggies arrive
Tuesday 15 January 2013

Palmer Sea Reef buggies arrive

On Sunday evening at about 5pm Old Port Road started to rumble as the first of four huge trucks started to arrive with the long awaited Palmer Sea Reef golf buggies on board.
Shortly after Clive Palmer took control of the Sea Temple Golf Course he sent the previous administration's golf carts packing with a promise that new and better golf buggies would be delivered in the New Year.
Rumours abounded that the golf buggies were not going to arrive until well into February but Mr Palmer has delivered on his promise. Just two weeks into the New Year around 50 brand spanking new carts are now sitting on charge and should be raring to go after final safety inspections later in the week.
You can't accuse Mr Palmer of dithering around. He flew over the golf course just a few months ago and made the decision to purchase the course that day. The golf carts have seemingly arrived ahead of schedule and the course is looking as good as it's ever looked.
Maybe Port Douglas should invite Mr Palmer to look at a few other things that seem to be wallowing in the 'too hard basket' and get him to use his decision making prowess to shake things up a bit around here!
The club members will no doubt be delighted to see the arrival of the carts to put an end to the excessive exercise imposed from having to walk the course while the carts have been on order.