Debate hits social media
Tuesday 22 January 2013

Debate hits social media
The debate over the true cost of de-amalgamation continues after local supporter of amalgamation Ken Dobbs launched a Facebook page containing his assessment of Friends Of Douglas Shire's (FODS) independent report undertaken by Synergies Economic Consulting.
Mr Dobbs believes the consulting group was remiss in its review of Queensland Treasury Corporation's (QTC) report into the financial cost of de-amalgamation which stated ratepayers would be hit hard should it return to a Douglas Shire.
"The interim report by Synergies commissioned by FODS found three alleged anomalies in the QTC report which had a significant impact on expenses and concluded that when the figures were adjusted for these anomalies the proposed DSC (Douglas Shire Council) would be financially viable," Mr Dobbs wrote.
On the Facebook page 'Douglasratepayers', Mr Dobbs made reference to the Synergies Economic Consulting report saying the firm overestimated cost savings, underestimated the number of staff required in a Douglas Shire Council, and questioned the consultants' claim that economies of scale would not be a significant factor within a DSC.
FODS spokesperson Michael Gabour has been quoted as saying the Synergies Economic Consulting report ultimately shows there will be no increase in rates due to de-amalgamation.