Attwood on target at Mossman
Tuesday 29 January 2013
Attwood on target at Mossman

by Steve Cruickshank
Saturday saw five keen shooters turn out for a sweltering, yet enjoyable afternoon shoot with three competing in the 500 metre double range.
First to setup his gear was Neil Attwood shooting in the Full Bore (308 manually supported peep sights) comp. Neil’s opening sighter shots were a 4 and a 5 which he elected to keep and then he went on to squeeze off a string of 5 bulls eyes with two super V Bulls giving him a final score of 47/2 from a possible 50.
Next on the mound was Robert (Gus) Gusmeroli in the F Class (308 mechanically supported using bipod and sand bags and telescopic sights) comp. Gus opened with a 4 and a 5, he cut the 4 and went on to shoot a mixed bag of 4’s, 5’s and 6’s with one 3 sneaking in to give him a final first round score of 47/2 out of a possible 60.
Neil Attwood was back down for his second 500 metre range in the 11 shot match. Neil opened with a pair of 4’s, cutting them he went on to shoot a respectable round with a hand full of V Bulls and one super V bull, two bulls eyes and four 4’s, giving him a final score of 51/5 out of a possible 55.
Pictured above: Tex Berry sizing up the 308 F Class rifle. Pictured below: Ron Schild taking aim in the 308 Full Bore 500 metre comp. Images by Steve Cruickshank.
Gus Gusmeroli was back for his second F Class range opening with a 6 and a 4 which he kept and then went on to squeeze off a mixed bag with 4’s, 5’s and 6’s giving him a final tally of 55/3 out of a possible 66 in the 11 shot match.
Ron Schild was up on the mound next to shoot in the Full Bore comp. Ron opened with 4’s and then went on to squeeze off many more 4’s, a bulls eye, followed by a V Bull and a Super V Bull giving him a first round score of 43/2 out of a possible 50 in the 10 shot match.
Ron then opened in his second 500 metre double match, and didn’t even let his barrel cool down a bit. He squeezed of a whole heap of 4’s with one bulls eye and one 3 to give him a second round score of 44 from a possible 55 in the 11 shot match.
Final overall scores for the 500 metre Double Range were Neil Attwood 98/7 from a possible 105 followed by Ron Schild with 87/2 in the Full Bore comp.
In the F Class Gus Gusmeroli scored a total of 102/2 from a possible 126.
We would like to invite anyone who is interested in this very relaxing sport to come along any Saturday at 1pm and have a go. We are situated half way between Port Douglas and Mossman signposted on the Captain Cook Highway.