Dengue suspected in Port Douglas

Thursday 21 February 2013

Dengue suspected in Port Douglas

At least two unconfirmed cases of dengue fever have hit Port Douglas after dozens of people were diagnosed recently in the Cairns' suburbs of Mt Sheridan, Whitfield and Parramatta Park.

One patient remains in Mossman District Hospital, while another spoke with The Newsport and described the symptoms of the debilitating, mosquito-spread disease.

"Pain behind the eyes and shocking headaches, a big rash, fevers, and aching, aching, aching, It feels like you've been beaten up," he said.

Queensland Health urges residents to rid their property of stagnant water which can pool in areas such as buckets, tarpaulins, boats, fallen palm fronds, and roof guttering.

For more information on dengue fever and tips on protecting yourself and your home, visit or

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