The Douglas Shire is Official

Monday December 2nd 2013

The Douglas Shire is Official

By Roy Weavers

It's not often that one is priviledged to witness history as it is being made but that is exactly what about 200 residents of the new Douglas Shire got to experience at the Douglas Shire Council Chamber in Mossman on Thursday 2nd Januray 2014 at 11am.

The de-amalgamated Douglas Shire regained its independence after a near 6 year struggle to reverse the forced amalgamation with Cairns City back in 2008.

And the assembled masses made it clear with their cheering and clapping that they were all pleased to be these willing witnesses.

This piece of history was introduced by transitional CEO, Jeff Tate as he explained the order of the day.  The mayor and all the four elected councillors, David Carey, Bruce Clarke, Terry Melchert and Abigail Noli then performed their first official duties by swearing and signing their declarations of duty. 

Mr Tate invited Mayor Julia Leu to make her first address as Mayor to the enthusiastic assembly.

In this her first ever speech as Mayor of the Douglas Shire she first thanked the indefatigueable work of Robert Hanan and the Friends of the Douglas Shire (FODS) for their efforts that brought about the March 2013 de-amalgamation poll which led to the November local elections.

She also thanked State Minister David Crissafulli and State MP for Cook David Kempton for keeping to their promises, despite their own misgivings, to give the Douglas Shire back to it's residents.

She thanked Jeff Tate and his staff for their efforts to extricate our affairs since March from out of the control of the the Cairns Regional Council.  She acknowledged, to great applause from the floor,  Mr Tate and his teams dedication to this mammoth job and the positive opening cash position that has been achieved for the Douglas Shire from that unenviable work.

The first council meeting was then held.  If this first meeting is anything to go by the future looks good after the first and only three resolutions of the day were passed unnanimosly including the one appointing Abigail Noli as the Deputy Mayor.

As soon as Mayor Leu closed this first meeting, the eager crowd burst into a spontaneous volley of cheering which felt almost like a reaction of relief that it wasn't all a dream and the Douglas Shire really had got it's destiny back in its own hands.

2014 has already started with great positivity and with the 20th Anniversary of the Carnivale in May to look forward to, The Mossman Mill production expansion for the next cane season, news of high Christmas and New Year tourist occupancy indicating another great holiday season and Australia reclaiming the Ashes!  It looks like being the start of something really quite remarkable.

Go the Douglas Shire.....!!!!


Important - For those of you not lucky enough to be able to get to Mossman last Thursday, The Newsport will be uploading video footage from the meeting to mark this historic occasion.  Check out The Newsport during Monday 6th January.