Crocs Presidents Report
Tuesday December 10th 2013

Port Douglas Crocs President's Report
Well, Christmas is nearly here; hope you are having fun with your Christmas shopping.
The AGM is done and dusted, and we have a great crew on board:
- Andrew Smith President
- Jim Buckley Vice President
- Rob Barnett Secretary
- John Cameron Treasurer
- Robyn Frahn
- Sam Edwards (Liam's mum, she ran water for us last year)
- Darren Wall
- Dave Lowe (best chicken shop in town)
- Peter Jackson (Jacko's Dad!)
- Darryl 'German' Taylor
- Tracey Featherstone
Thanks to those that showed up for the AGM; your support was appreciated.
Our last function for the season is our Christmas breakup. It will be at the Barrier Reef Tavern on Friday, December 20 at 5.30pm. This will coincide with our last raffles of the year.
Recruiting is going along nicely, with Coops glued to the phone and several recruits signed. Hopefully, after Christmas, you can assist with work for all the new troops. If you hear of work or tradesmen needed please give me or Coops a call.
In 2014, we have decided to drop the prices of fence signs to $250.00 per annum; anyone who helps sign up a new sponsor will receive a club singlet and cooler. More importantly, you are helping your club.
Hope to have you on board in 2014, which will be bigger and better than ever
See you at the Tavern, but if not, have a great Christmas and Happy New Year.
Andy Smith