State's cycling law overhaul

Monday December 2nd 2013

State's cycling law overhaul

Queensland’s cycling rules are set for an overhaul, including a safe distance provision and harsher penalties for breaking road rules.

The Transport, Housing and Local Government committee put forward 68 recommendations, after the first major examination of cycling laws in more than 20 years.

The recommendations will need to be approved by Transport and Main Roads Minister Scott Emerson before they can be implemented. Mr Emerson said he will take a few months to consider the full report, but gave his full support to “recommendation 8, or the so-called one-metre rule.”

“This will mean that motorists must maintain a minimum distance of one metre when passing a cyclist in a 60kph or less zone, and 1.5 metres when travelling above 60.

“This rule was heavily supported by the cycling community and I’m prepared to conduct a two-year trial to test its practical implementation.

“I’ll also support recommendation 31 – bringing fines for cyclists into line with those imposed on motorists. For example, currently the fine for entering a level crossing with a train approaching is $110 for cyclists and $330 for motorists.”

The committee looked at a number of cycling laws in June, including:

  • Short and long term trends in bicycle injuries and fatalities involving motor vehicles
  • Evaluation, considering factors such as effectiveness, enforceability and impacts on other road users of existing and any other alternative road rules, such as the 1m rule, which govern interaction between cyclists and other road users
  • Current penalties and sanctions, including where there are differential fine rates for cyclists compared to other road users
  • The potential benefits and impacts of bicycle registration



Mr Emerson opposed the committee’s suggestion (recommendation 15) to remove the need for helmets in 60kph and less speed zones and on bike paths.

“Personally I’m a big believer in the benefits of helmets and I believe the evidence shows helmets reduce the risk of serious injury,” he said.

The full report is available at