Port on (almost) best behaviour
Wednesday December 18th 2013
Port on (almost) best behaviour
Just one Port Douglas resident was among the nearly 400 arrested across Queensland during Operation Unite, a two-day police blitz to curb alcohol-fuelled violence and anti-social behaviour.
"They were all very well behaved in Port for Operation Unite," said Senior Constable Russ Parker, of Cairns Police’s Far Northern District Crime Prevention unit.
"Just the one drink driver by the looks of things."
Police bolstered numbers in CBDs across Australia and New Zealand, with 73 officers taking part in the operation across the district from Innisfail to Thursday Island between 10pm and 6am on Friday and Saturday nights.
Far North District Tactician, Senior Sergeant Chris Hodgman (pictured right) said that whilst officers were encouraged by the absence of assault incidents, the drink-driving figures in Cairns were particularly concerning to police at a local level and would likely warrant further attention.
“We had a major presence in the [Cairns] CBD over Friday and Saturday night. The disappointing thing was that we managed to catch 20 people drink driving”
“Police conducted over 800 (roadside) breath tests, so that makes one in forty people on the roads that are drink driving, and that’s just not good enough,” Senior Sergeant Hodgman said.