Port Douglas Crocs AFL match report

Monday August 5 2013

Crocs chalk up another win

The Crocs continued their successful march towards the finals in a come-from-behind win against the Hawks at Cazalys on Saturday.

The game was played in greasy conditions due to intermittent showers. The Hawks adjusted more quickly than the Crocs, with the home team's defence proving superior early on, and all too frequently and easily they repelled the Crocs' forward moves. 
The Crocs struggled to get their renowned teamwork going and this was due, in part, to the personnel changes in the team that ran on to the arena. Returning after injury were captain Adam Boone, 2012 co-captain Brad Lawlor, and Sam Boxsell, who has returned form Brisbane. Kurt Bradshaw showed a pleasing return to form, and Daniel Cross who had started the game in great style kept it up all day.  
As the game progressed, the boys played closer to coach Brad Cooper's instructions and, combined with their willingness to seize possession of the ball even in the toughest of hard ball-get situations, the tide was turned in their favour. The team as a whole will be better for this hit-out.
Goals were as rare as hen's teeth. But the persistent play of Josh Hicks, Brett McKeown, Brad Lawlor, Ben Young and Adam Boone prevented a boil over.  Mark Nuggin drilled the Crocs first goal. A nice goal to Michael McKeown was followed by a great tap from Teaser to Weary to Sammy Boxsell. At last, a little golden ray of sunshine. Every time the Hawks looked likely to grab the game the Crocs boys said "no". Rowan Hanley was excellent in close; Josh Morrison snagged a great mark; Alex Bendle staged a one-man exhibition of gutsy play and left two opponents in his wake.  
The Crocs deserved their win in what was a hard-fought game.
The Crocs Reserves team had the worst of the conditions. Luckily, in a blustery opening quarter, the Crocs made excellent use of the wind and broke the game wide open with a high scoring effort. Their opponents were never able to bridge the gap.
The Crocs forwards, led brilliantly by Tom Bowring and Chasely Nandy were hanging on to their chest marks even with the greasy ball. They were being well fed by their defenders and midfielders. The form on display was impressive. Alex Forbes was having a great day, Corey Barter bobbed up everywhere, Matt Gard and Tony Gooding controlled the rucks. Ethan McCullough presented well in front of goal.  Nathan Evans was spoiling well in defence, Ben Herbert was on the run and Mitch Nicholson was exerting a steadying influence around the pack. The final result was never in doubt. The next match will be the acid test for the boys.

Hawks 8-7-55 were def. by Crocs 10--16-76.
K. Bradshaw 3.  M. McKeown 2.  J. Brown.  A. Boone. M. Nuggin.  C. Shaw.
D. Cross.  A. Boone.  D. Wearmouth. S. Boxsell.  B. Young.  R. Hanley
Hawks 5-7-37 were def. by Crocs 14-5-89.
T. Bowring 6.  C. Nandy 4.  J. Astill 3.  M. Nicholson
T. Bowring.  C. Barter. E. McCullough.  C. Nandy.  M. Nicholson. H. Willis
Next week, the Crocs face the rampaging ladder-leaders North Cairns Tigers at the Croc Pit. Should be a beauty! 

Go Crocs!