Mossman Bowls Results

Wednesday August 6 2013

Mossman Bowls results

Men's Results
Triples winners were Rangi, Zilly, and J Fary defeated A Valentine, G Bolton and P Cleary 20-14. J Blemmer, D Patterson and E Verby defeated G Marsh, F Daly and B Wolland 21-15. R Edwards, D Power and A Patterson defeated R Vlug, L Dobson and E Smith 26-12. Winners of the day were M Boundy, R Morse and C Maxted defeated D Head, L Valentine and N Tesch 33-13.
The final of the club selected three's was between M Morrison, P Gorsuch and Dave Blain defeating G Wilmot, Kiwi and Doug Pitt 21-19. Congratulations to the winners.
Sunday's handicap singles D Blain defeated Richard Pitt, 25-7, B Wolland defeated P Cleary 25-6, G Wilmot defeated C Wills 24-13. Names in for the Sugar Festival please members as 28 players are required.

Ladies Results
Consistency continued with Maree Crees (152) defeating Carmen Bolton (135), Maria Mijo (154) defeated Dot Kosi (125) and Margaret Cooper won on a forfeit.
Social bowls was won by Maureen Tucker who also won the raffle. Thursday (8th) is meeting day at 10.30am with all welcome. Barbara May and Estelle O'Rourke are selectors for August.