Douglas junior netball

Wednesday August 6 2013

Diamonds demolish Extreme

The Douglas Junior Competition started with a great game between the Young Stars and the Beach Babes in the 10/under competition.

The Young Stars shot to an early lead of 5 goals by half time, but the Babes put in a magnificent quarter shooting 5 goals to 1. Best players: Chelsea McKay, Edie Thurtell, Kacy Baxter and Ella Cairns, with a final score 7-5 to the Young Stars. 

The Minkes played Hot Pink on court 3 in a scoreless game, although the shooters are getting stronger. Great concentration in skill-based games from Anna Padovan, Emma Brown, Saskia Turner and Brooke Harold who all demonstrated valuable team skills and working on passing lines along the court.  

The 12/Under competition on court 1 had the Reef Raider Diamonds play Extreme. The Diamonds played brilliantly over the four quarters, giving Extreme little control of the ball. Best players for the Extreme team: Marina Prince and Heidi Pashen, and for the Diamonds: Mia Devine-Cameron and Jasmine Kirk were standouts. Final score: 36-0 to the Diamonds.

On court 2, the Pythons played the Saints. Wow! What a game! Both teams took to the court determined to win, and the game was fast and furious from the first whistle. Saints scored the only point in the first quarter, but Pythons made it a hard fought goal. Hannah Durie answered the goal in the second quarter and from then on it was back and forth down the court, blink and you would miss the change of possession. Kate Padovan and Taylah Cadiente were a great match in the C position, and kept the game exciting with their great defensive skills. Keely Harold was outstanding defending the goal, remaining calm with a couple of tough calls from the umpire. Koreena Minniecon was relentless for the Pythons with her countless intercepts. Welcome back to the Saints Jayde Ilbery, who has been out with injury. In the end, Pythons slithered home, winning 6 goals to 3. Players choice went to Keely Harold for the Saints, and Taylah Cadiente.  Best and Fairest for Saints, Defensive extraordinaires, Ebony Bland and for the Pythons, Koreena Minniecon.

The 14-16 competition on court 1 was between the Strikers and Young Guns 1 in a tight game which for the first time saw the Young Guns 1 defeat the Strikers 18-14, all played a hard and fast game with best players Lana Baxter and Jade Schuck

The Hot Shots played the Young Guns 2 team on court 2, the game was fast paced with plenty of intercepts by both sides making the players work hard for their goals.  Best players Shania Jacobsen and Lauryn Sciacca with a final score 19-7 to Young Guns 2.

Next week is the final round before finals, the 10s will continue to play each week but the 12s and 14-16 divisions will start finals on August 20. Douglas Netball is holding it's  Junior Carnival on August 18, with nearly 50 teams competing from all over the Cairns region. Any sponsors, volunteers or raffle donations would be greatly appreciated.