Cook MP David Kempson seeks electorate input

Friday August 9 2013

Have your say on FNQ future

Member for Cook David Kempton wants residents to have their say on the future direction of the far north by participating in his online survey of the electorate.

“Too often new studies are undertaken and plans drawn up with little or no consultation with the community,” Mr Kempton said. "Our Government is about community engagement.” He said survey responses will help shape the future of the Douglas Shire region by feeding directly into The Queensland Plan, to be released later this year.

“The Queensland Plan will consider the state’s aspirations and priorities and develop a blueprint for Queensland,” he said. “This will be a visionary plan that will assist us to set goals to meet the challenges of the future and to leave a secure and sustainable legacy for our children.”

With Mapoon and Mareeba already having their say at Queensland Plan summits in May of this year, Mr Kempton's announcement is a chance for the rest of the community to have a say. As well as the survey, Mr Kempton will conduct a two-day intensive workshop later this month, to formulate his electorate’s response to the plan.

According to Mr Kempton's office, the online survey "will explore who we are, what we currently experience in the far north, and what we want for the future." The survey opened last week, and is open to all with an interest in the Cook electorate until August 21. Unlike previous surveys, the results will be fully mapped and made public.

“Together we have a very real chance to make the changes we want to see in Cook a reality in the next thirty years, but I’m relying on your involvement to help us get it right,” Mr Kempton said. “It is vital that we as an electorate capitalise on this opportunity to create real change in far north Queensland.”

To complete the survey, visit 
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