Attwood fires at the range

Tuesday 30 April 2013

Attwood fires at the range

Saturday saw five shooters turn out for a very difficult target with a constant shadow at 300 metres.

The closer the target, the smaller the target, thus making it harder to sight on. Norbert Schmidt was first to set up his kit on the mound, shooting in the F Class (mechanically supported, telescoped 308) comp.

Norbert was quick to find the centre after cutting a 4 and a 5 as sighters. He then went on to squeeze off ten quick shots to give him a score of 54 with one dead centre from a possible 60.

Neil Attwood (pictured in foreground) was next on the mound competing in the Full Bore (manually supported, peep sights 308) comp. Neil opened with two Bulls Eyes as sighters and kept them and went on to shoot a very fine first round score of 49/1 from a possible 50.

Malcolm McKellar was down on the mound next in the Full Bore comp. Mal opened with a 3 and a 5, he cut the 3 and went on to pull a mixed bag of shots to give him a score of 44.           

Ron Schild was the next competitor in the Full Bore comp. Ron opened with 2 and a 3. Cutting them both, he went on to also shoot a mixed bag of shots to give him a score of 38/3 from a possible 50 in the first 300 metre 10 shot range.

Ben Purvis, our newest member, was the last shooter on the mound using a borrowed Full Bore 308 rifle. Ben opened with 2s and cutting them went on to shoot a really mixed bag of shots to give him a first round score of 32 with one Bulls Eye.

Norbert Schmidt was back again for his second 300 metre range attempt. Norbert opened with a 6 and 4, and cutting them he then went on to squeeze off in quick succession a heap of 5s and 6s with two dead centres to give him a second range score of 61/2 from a possible 66.          

Neil Attwood was back again on the mound. Neil opened with a Super V Bull and a 4 which he kept and then squeezed off a lot of 4s and 5s for a final score of 50/1.

Mal McKellar was again on the mound and opened with a V Bull and a 4. He cut both thinking he would do better than scoring another 4. In fact today wasn’t Mal’s day as he kept pulling lower numbers than usual, giving him a final score of 52/1.

Ronny Schild was back for his 11 shot match and he opened with a 3 and a 4. He cut the 3 and went on to shoot a plethora of mixed shots to give him a score of 44 from a possible 55.  

Ben Purvis was back again for his second range shoot. Ben was having a hard time with his borrowed rifle as he was not able to adjust his front sight which gave him a very low score of 28/1.

Over all a good day was had by all with Neil Attwood taking out first place in the Full Bore comp with 99/2 from a possible 105 followed by Mal McKellar on 96/1 and Ron Schild on 82/3 and Ben Purvis with 60/1.

Norbert Schmidt took honours in the F Class Comp with a mediocre score of 115 from a possible 126.

We would like to thank the scorers and the markers for a good day at the range and also we would like to invite anyone who is interested in shouldering a rifle and squeezing a trigger to come along and have a go. We meet at 1pm on Saturday at the range situated half way between Port Douglas and Mossman on the Captain Cook Highway. See you there.