Tough conditions at 600 metres

Monday 17 September 2012

Tough conditions at 600 metres

Saturday was clear and hot, with a turbulent mirage, and well-shadowed targets providing challenging conditions for Target Rifle shooters in a Double 600m Competition.

In the first 600 metre match Neil Attwood opened the Full-bore Target Rifle (308 cal., peep-sight, manually-supported) competition with a 2-point ‘sighter’ followed by a 5-point bullseye. He cut the first and took the second as his first-to-count.

Grappling with the boiling air mass of the mirage that was distorting the target aiming-mark, he pulled a 3-point ‘bird’ and a 4-point ‘inner’ as his next two shots before finding the centre with three consecutive bullseyes, two ‘inners’ and two excellent 5-point centre-bullseyes to finish.

A score of 45 points (out of 50 this 10-shot match) with two centres was very good considering the conditions, and following shooters were wary as they took the mound.

Ron Schild was next down, and cut his 3- and 4-point ‘sighters’, before shooting an up-and-down round of 4- and 5-pointers, including a fine centre-bull late in the match to post a competitive 43/1.

Mal McKellar was last down and cut his two 4-point sighting shots. His first-to-count was in the centre as a 5-point bullseye and he followed that with five more, including two centre-bulls.

Unfortunately three 4-point inners to finish diminished what was looking to be a fine shoot, and he closed with a 47/2 to edge out Attwood for the match win.

In the second 600 metre match an enthusiastic Attwood again opened for Full-bore Target Rifle.

The mirage had intensified in the mid-afternoon sun, however, and he struggled to find the centre pulling eight 4-point inners interspersed with just two 5-point bullseyes and closing with a disappointing 3-point ‘bird’ to post 45 points (out of 55, this 11-shot match) with no centre-bulls.

Schild again followed and was keenly aware that his two point deficit to Attwood in the first match could perhaps be recovered here.

His first ‘sighter’ was a 5-point centre-bullseye, but then, in keeping with the tough conditions, he pulled a wayward 2-point ‘flyer’ as his second ‘sighter’, forcing him to cut them both (all shots-to-count must be consecutive).

His first-to-count was another ‘flyer’ and his heart sank. However, drawing on his vast experience he focused and found another centre-bull.

His remaining nine shots included five 5-pointers, with another centre-bull, and just four 4-point inners, and he was very pleased to close with a 48/2 to edge Attwood in the match so far and also to move into the aggregate lead for the day.

McKellar was again last down, and again cut his two 4-point ‘sighters’. He opened with another ‘inner’, but then found the centre eight more times including three centre-bullseyes, before an unsuccessfully-challenged 3-point ‘bird’ as his last shot saw him take the match win with 51 points and 3 centre-bulls.

In summary, in demanding conditions the Full-bore Target Rifle Double 600m Competition was taken by Mal McKellar with 98 points (out of 105) and 5 centre-bulls, over Ron Schild second with 91/3 just one sweet point ahead of Neil Attwood third on 90/2.

The Club meets every Saturday at 1pm at the Mossman & District Rifle Club Range mid-way between Port and Mossman. Visitors and interested observers are always welcome.