Standing united against Parkinson's

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Standing united against Parkinson's

Words and images by Rick Stoker

On Sunday, Brisbane implemented its 500 strong Unity Walk in support of Parkinson’s sufferers to increase community awareness of the disease and gain financial backing. 

To coincide with this, the Port Douglas and Mossman Parkinson's Support Group staged their own walk around Port Douglas’ Rex Smeal Park. 

It was attended by friends, carers and family as well as suffers of this mysterious neurological disease. The walk was led by Councillor Julia Leu and local icon James Watson, who is himself a sufferer. 

Julia Leu, who is the chairperson of the Mossman Multipurpose Health Services Network, pointed out that this debilitating disease is on the increase, suggesting it is life-style connected and needs urgent community attention.

James Watson provided the statistics that Queensland alone has 20,000 sufferers of which almost 20% are of working age, and this percentage is ever increasing.

The most high-profile Parkinson’s sufferer is the actor Michael J Fox, who set-up the Team Fox (research) Group, which has affiliations with Australian Parkinson’s researchers.  Mr Fox is also sponsoring a website between Team Fox and Far North Queensland.