Mossman shooters fire away

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Mossman shooters fire away

The Mossman & District Rifle Club (M&DRC) had no shoot at its home range last Saturday as members were shooting away at Atherton on both the Saturday and the Sunday.

Two Annual Prize Shoots were held at the Atherton Range.

On Saturday the Cairns & Inland Districts Rifle Association's (C&IDRA) Annual Prize Shoot was held as two 15-shot matches at 900 and 1,000 yards (that's about the full length of Macrossan Street), in bright but breezy conditions.

In the 900 Yard Target Rifle Match, Ron Schild, in just his second shoot after open heart surgery, had what can only be described as a brilliant win in Division 2, with 64 points (out of 75) and 2 centre-bulls.

In the 1,000 Yard Target Rifle Match, Mal McKellar took second place in Division 2 with 60 points (again out of 75) but no centre-bulls.

On Sunday Atherton Rifle Club's Annual Prize Shoot was held as three 10-shot matches at 700 yards, 300 yards and 500 yards in demanding conditions with changing light due to passing cloud cover and with variable, but increasingly gusty, winds.

In the 700 Yard Target Rifle Match, Mal McKellar took third place in Division 2 with 45 points (out of 50) and 2 centre-bulls. In the 300 Yard Target Rifle Match, he improved to second place with a 47/2 (again out of 50), and in the 500 Yard Target Rifle Match McKellar tied for first with a worthy 49/2 (again out of 50), but lost on a count-back.
Neil Attwood, using a borrowed rifle due to problems with his own weapon, posted a credible 46/2 in this final match, and Ron Schild, despite an ammunition jam, was close behind with a fine 45/1.

McKellar's consistency over the three Matches saw him take a fine second place in Division 2 on the Aggregate Score.

This Sunday the Mossman & District Rifle Club will hold its rescheduled Annual Prize Shoot at our home range between Port Douglas and Mossman, commencing at 9.30am.

A working bee will be held on Saturday morning (8 September) commencing at 8.30am to take care of final preparations.