Dobbs set to end presidency

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Dobbs set to end presidency

President of the Port Douglas Chamber of Commerce Ken Dobbs has told his fellow committee members of his intention to step out of the top job should a suitable replacement be found at their upcomg AGM.

Mr Dobbs has been the face of the Chamber for many years, and while his departure from the position is not official, the Chamber has expressed its desire for new blood on the committee.

"He's openly said that he's reconsidering going for the presidency," said Acting President Pheobe Kitto. "I think it would be a big loss for the Chamber if he doesn't remain as a committee member."

Solicitor Martin Tranter who recently joined the committee praised Mr Dobbs for his years of service to the Port Douglas business community.

"The most important thing that we'd like to make a point of saying is in terms of what Ken has done over the last number of years, you could not quantify the number of hours he's put into the Chamber."

Ms Kitto reiterated the point; "He does a lot of stuff behind the scenes that people don't realise. His passion for the community is really good. We'll have to see what happens at the AGM."

Mr Tranter said that while Mr Dobbs' future on the Chamber is yet to be determined, he encouraged people to get involved to make a difference in the long-term prospects of the town.

"We need to reinvigorate ourselves. That requires participation. You can't reinvigorate yourself with the same old crew doing the same old things all the time," he said.

"Part of what keeps an organisation fresh and in the right direction is reinvigorating the committee."

Mr Tranter encouraged potential committee members to contact the Chamber and attend the upcoming AGM.

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"Our focus for the Chamber over the course of the next 12 months is really to be how do we make it much, much stronger? How do we have that level of involvement and participation of its members?

"It's wrong for businesses to sit on the sidelines and say 'I don't want to do anything until I can see whether or not it can do something for me.' That defeats the purpose.

"The Chamber, going forward for next year, has to be more about educating the businesses as to the part they play in the overall grander structure."

"Allow the Chamber to help your business," he said.

The Chamber identified the Melbourne Business School project and the running of a profitable Carnivale as two of their major achievements of the last 12 months, while their goals for the next year include pursuing the development of the Economic Development Group, and developing and promoting additional training services, among others.

Mr Dobbs was unavailable for comment.