Cairns turns RUTHLESS

Monday 3 September 2012

Cairns turns RUTHLESS

Cairns will join with cities across the globe in a musical tribute to peace and youth culture.

The International Day of Peace will be celebrated with a series of youth concerts to be broadcast worldwide from such cities as New York, London, Paris and Cairns.

With headline acts soon to be announced, Cairns will be the opening venue for a three-day concert marathon.

The Cairns contribution will be known as RUTHLESS Youth for Peace – “ruthless” providing an acronym for all of the elements of peace: respect, understanding, trust, harmony, love, empathy, strength and support.

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The concert will feature a host of local bands alongside visiting acts from interstate and New Zealand. It is expected to draw a viewing audience of 1.6 million people via

The free concert will take place on the Eastern Events Lawn at the Cairns Esplanade on Friday, September 21, from 1pm to 10pm.

Home page image by emilymartinnn's photostream via Flickr