Phoebe president

Friday 5 October 2012

Phoebe president

Executive positions on the Port Douglas Chamber of Commerce have been filled, and as expected, Phoebe Kitto has taken the reigns as president of the organisation.

Outgoing president, Ken Dobbs, remains on the committee in a non-executive role, while Port Putt Putt's Sam Leo will be Ms Kitto's right-hand man as vice-president.

Along with Mr Leo, Damian Passlow from Tropical Nites, Kym Rowley from the Combined Clubs, and Katie Smith from SCUBA Dave have commenced their terms as new members on the committee.

Long-time secretary Paula Johnson will continue in the role while Terry Hooper will commence his final term on the committee as Treasurer.

Solicitor Martin Tranter and editor Greg McLean round out the Port Douglas Chamber of Commerce for the 2012-13 financial year.