Run Marathons - Final Week

Friday 9 November 2012

Run Marathons - Final Week

Here we are at last! Firstly, congratulations on everyone’s efforts so far. To even be able to line up at the start line for a half marathon or full marathon is a fantastic achievement and you should all be very proud of yourselves!

This week it is most important you rest up. Try take your mind off the race and just relax. The more you can relax, the better you will perform on the day. The last thing we want to do is be either physically or mentally exhausted before the day.

Check out the final week of your program below.

Make sure your fluid intake (and we are talking water, not beer), is within the 2-3 litres per day every day this week to ensure you are well hydrated for the day.

Everyone has their own race morning routines, but if you have no idea, here is mine…

Nick's Pre-race morning

5:00am - Wake Up and consume normal breakfast
5:30am - Leave home to head to race start
5:45am - 15min Warm Up
6:00am - 6:30am - Relax, keep warm, no pet talks, no getting excited, stay calm, keep heart rate low and conserve energy for the race
6:30am - Race Start - Slow walk around, consume 250-350ml water, find start line position and focus on the job ahead.

Congratulations to everyone who followed this program and everyone taking part next Wednesday. It will be an amazing day and the most important part of it all is making sure you enjoy it.

Big thank you to Dr Trevor Chetcuti of Spinewise for writing this fantastic program, Actin Fitness for delivering the program and run workshops, The Newsport for publishing the program weekly online, and our fantastic sponsors The Sands Resort and Port Party Hire for their much valued support.

My Hot Tip

Don't get caught up in the hype and go hard from the start, conserve your energy at the beginning of the race and finish the race strong and full of steam!

All the best everyone, see you out there!

Yours In Fitness,

Nick Carling
Actin Fitness

Week 24 Program