Rate debts force Council's hand

Friday 2 November 2012

Rate debts force Council's hand

Thirty-two properties with a total of $375,000 owed in rates and in excess of $55,000 in water charges will be sold by auction after a decision by Council was made at yesterday's ordinary meeting.

Under Local Government Act provisions, Council can elect to sell properties with overdue rates and charges in excess of three years.

Cairns Regional Council was told that the ratepayers involved, which includes four in the Douglas region, had not made satisfactory arrangements to address their debts nor made application to the Independent Rate Relief Tribunal for assistance.

Officers told Council that property owners with outstanding rates had been subject to intensive, ongoing actioning by Council and this had yielded a very positive result as the original potential sale list had exceeded 345 properties.

Property owners have until the day of the auction to settle their accounts.

Out of the 134 properties listed for sale due to outstanding rates since 2008, Council has proceeded with the sale of just three with most people paying their outstanding rates debt prior to the auction taking place.