Life's Rosie in Port Douglas

Friday 23 November 2012

Life's Rosie in Port Douglas

Rosie Wang has seen great swathes of the planet but has chosen Port Douglas to call home. Her move has been captured on the top-rating reality TV show 'House Hunters International.'

The popularity of the show is astounding. "It's the second largest show in the States (USA)," Rosie said.

"I think it's got a viewing of about 10 million people. It's Sarah Jessica Parker's (of Sex and the City fame) favourite programme so it's quite well known."

Rosie was chosen for the show thanks mainly to her friendship with newly settled locals Josh Mezger and Gabrielle Gallegos whose move to Port Douglas was also captured in an episode of House Hunters International (see video left).

"They did a show on Josh on his move from New Zealand to Port Douglas and becoming an estate agent here," Rosie said.

"I met Josh, ironically, because I was looking to buy a property and we just hit it off and became good friends...He's now the estate agent in some of those shows."

Rosie's episode, which has yet to go to air, focusses on her move from the frantic pace of central London where she was a marketing buyer for cosmetics giant Revlon, to life in the slow lane of Port Douglas.

"It was a typical London lifestyle, fast-paced, it's busy. I always felt that I wanted to go into diving," she said.

"As a backpacker quite a while ago I had been up and down here, and I kept missing Port Douglas so I decided to buy a house here. I came here for a long weekend and looked at some houses and made a decision on the Monday."

Having settled in Port Douglas with a year now under her belt, Rosie freelancers as a diving and snorkelling instructor, and is finding success in producing a range of natural insect repellents with more products in the development phase.

It's a million miles away from the hustle and bustle of her life in London, but Rosie has found a base and new lifestyle right here in Port.

We'll let you know when Rosie features on House Hunters International.