The Viewpoint - Free for all

Thursday 17 May 2012

The Viewpoint - Free for all

Let's face it, we're a rudderless ship for the most part here in Port Douglas. And while most of us are running around saying "somebody should do something" the town continues its decline.

So what can we DO? Here's what I think.

Whether you agree with the findings and recommendations of the Melbourne Business School or not, it goes a long way to creating a path forward. And hey, any plan is better than no plan at all in my opinion.

So let's run with it and see where it takes us.

One of the main points raised by the crew from the MBS was our inability to work as one.

It was highlighted during their presentation that our town is home to over 70 associations, clubs, and groups - not bad for a town of around 3000 people. On the flip side though, there is a lack of communication between the groups meaning we're likely to be heading in different directions faster than toads at the Ironbar.

Two organisations were identified as being key stakeholders - the movers and shakers who have a big role to play in returning our town to prosperity - Tourism Port Douglas and Daintree, and the Port Douglas Chamber of Commerce.

So here's my idea - let's make membership to these organisations free!

Council (ie. rate payers) provided TPDD with around three quarters of their total funding in 2010/11. This equated to $430,000 while the organisation's membership base contributed a touch over $70,000 (their base membership rate is $572 a year).

Meanwhile the Chamber, which is run by hardworking volunteers, charge $55 for individuals and $165 for businesses to sign up for a year, with membership numbers totalling around 60ish.

Making membership to these organisations free for all would mean that we all get a say in the direction of the town's two most significant organisations.

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Associate Professor Selwyn D'Souza from the MBS referred to the fact that an organisation in which we can all have a say would bring greater accountability for the results delivered.

I can already hear the calls saying we need more funding for marketing the region rather than less.

Perhaps that's where the old marketing levy could be reintroduced. From my understanding this levy was in place prior to amalgamation whereby holiday unit owners were charge a fee which was used to promote the area.

After all, it is in the best interests of these unit owners, many of whom live interstate, that the location where they've invested is well marketed.

We need to change what we're doing and how we're doing them.

Free membership to two of the most influential organisations in town would give ALL OF US a say and a vote at their respective Annual General Meetings.

The ability for everyone to have a say has just become even more important.

The new Economic Development group announced by TPDD and Chamber yesterday in response to the MBS findings is likely to sit under the TPDD structure.

The group will be in place to access greater government funding. With more funding comes more responsibility, and therefore greater accountability.

We need a structure where change can be implemented easily. Ie. if the board members responsible for the management of these new funds aren't achieving results, the membership group (which will broaden hugely under my brilliant plan) could vote them out at the next AGM.

Now is the time to push for new ways of doing things. This new Economic Development group is a step in the right direction, but it is vital that those responsible for its success deliver, or step aside.

Let me know what you think by adding your comment below.

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