JCU get "Funched" but take points

Monday 28 May 2012

JCU get "Funched" but take points

The Reef Raiders took on JCU in some wet conditions which wasn't great for running rugby.

Both teams started the match at a furious pace and fierce defence by one Todd Funch continually put the JCU runners on their backs.

But it was JCU who scored the first and second tries of the game. Not to be out-done the Raiders hit back before the break through Funch and it made the score 14-7 at the half.

The second half saw the game open up and a total of 32 points scored from both teams. With end to end rugby the Raiders took two penalties to get to within one point of JCU.

A few simple errors cost the Raiders and put them on the back foot and eventually JCU posted the first try for the half.

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The Raiders hit back quickly after and Matt Jewel scored in the corner to get them back into it. With seven minutes left on the clock the Raiders needed to score a converted try to win.

But it was JCU who scored out wide and made the game a bit harder to win for the Raiders. The clock wasn't on their side as the Raiders scored on the buzzer through Grant Payne who came back from injury this week.

Final score JCU 28 defeated Port Douglas Reef Raiders 25.
The players of the match were Simon Chick, Shane Branch and the Paddy’s Man of the Match went to Paul Ferrrero.

The coach was happy with the effort and spirit in which was shown by the players, but there’s is a lot to work to done before next week.

Next week the Raiders are at home against Brothers. 

The annual ladies day was held on Saturday which was sponsored by Hoffman Painting.

Win big in the region's Best Photo Competition.