Excitement builds as parade draws closer

Monday 14 May 2012

Excitement builds as parade draws closer

The popular Port Douglas Carnivale Street Parade is less than two weeks away, and entrants are busy creating their floats in the image of 'Heavenly Bodies' - the parade's theme for 2012.

Street Parade Manager Lisa Whelan said that there is still time for entries to the parade which attracts thousands of onlookers each year.

"The big thing about the street parade is that it's an opportunity for people to get out and celebrate what they love about Port Douglas," Lisa said.

"We encourage everyone to come out on the streets and cheer everyone, and it's not too late to enter a float too. It's free, and we encourage every interpretation of Heavenly Bodies as possible."

In recent times the parade was seen as the unofficial opening of Carnivale, but a reshuffle of the program will see dozens of floats journey through the street of Port Douglas a week later.

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"In lots of festivities they either have a parade at the beginning or as a finale. We're looking at it as a big celebration of the week that has been," Lisa said.

The parade attracts local businesses and community organisations, many of whom spend weeks preparing for the unveiling, and for good reason - the Best Overall Float will take away the $1000 cash.

Other categories include Best Themed Float ($500), Best Commercial Float ($250), and Best Community Float ($250).

To register your float visit the Opens external link in new windowCarnivale website and fill out the form before 18 May.