Curtain closes on CEP

Thursday 31 May 2012

Curtain closes on CEP

Cairns Regional Council has formally suspended the performing arts centre project known as the Cairns Entertainment Precinct.

Council today voted to continue a suspension of the project and to defer any further action until the outcome of discussions with the State and Federal governments concerning funding arrangements had been determined.

Mayor Bob Manning said the resolution would allow Council time to investigate the best option for the future.

“Our first priority is to ensure funding remains available to this region for a project that is in the best interest of the community,” Cr Manning said.

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“We will be meeting with the relevant Ministers at both State and Federal levels as a matter of urgency and the results of these discussions will be reported to Council.

“At that time, we will have clearer indication of the options that are available to us.

“In coming to this resolution, the Council does acknowledge the council officers who have worked hard to bring the project as far as they have. Their efforts do not go unappreciated.”