11 Crocs on injury list

Thursday 24 May 2012

11 Crocs on injury list

Welcome to a short President's Report this week. The big Qld Rail Bulls Masters cricket day went well and thanks to all the volunteers who assisted over the day. 

A big thanks to Johnny Cameron who set up the licenses, drinks, ice etc.  He did a great job.

Well, this week we travel to South Cairns in a must win game. With approximately 11 players out injured we will need all hands on deck. 

Tim Hanley and Ashley Currie have arrived back in town and will be a added bonus when match fit.  We also have two new players arriving this week which will help fill some gaps.
The following week (June 2) we play Saints at home and will play two games of netball and then the girls will join the 200 club luncheon.

The first game starts at 1pm and I look forward to seeing you over the week.

Ladies Day starts at 2pm followed by 'Crocs in Frocs' from 7pm on June 23. It's always a sell out so book early.

And last this week, but by no means least, don't forget every Thursday Rob and Norm's meals at the clubrooms and raffles at the Courty on Fridays.

Stay safe.

The President

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