Run Forest! Pet has lucky escape
Thursday 29 March 2012
Run Forest! Pet has lucky escape

If you've heard of more people encountering snakes on their property of late that's because conditions are currently perfect for the reptiles, according to Wildlife Manager at The Wildlife Habitat, Clare Anderson.
"Most of the snakes that we're finding in the local region are non-venemous. Mainly we're finding pythons, some of them are tree snakes," Ms Anderson said.
"Snakes are prevalent in the local region at this point in time. It's perfect conditions for them to be moving around searching for food.
"Food does not consist of humans. Mainly they're looking for small mammals, birds and frogs which most people's backyards have."
Add cats to this list after the Cullen family's pet moggy managed to escape from the clutches of a 3 metre amethystine python on Monday night.
After investigating what they thought was a cat fight, Sam and Sarah Cullen saw their cat 'Forrest' struggling for life as the python began to wrap its body around the stricken animal.
Eventually the python was coerced into releasing its grip leaving one very lucky, and very ginger Forrest. The python was captured the following day by a qualified snake handler.
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Ms Anderson said the best course of action if you encounter a snake in or around your property is to steer clear, and call the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service.
"First things first, leave it alone. The best advice I can give is to observe the animal. If you can maintain observation on the animal and contact a snake removalist that is the best thing you can do.
"If it's inside the house and you can't open a door to let the animal out then close a door to try and maintain it in the area it's in.
"Any wild animal would fear humans and they would react accordingly, snakes are no different. My advice for approaching an animal would be to not."
The Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service in Mossman can be contacted on 4098 2188 and can be contacted after hours.